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Get Involved

Glasgow Clinical Research Facility (GCRF) believes in a model of integrated public engagement, patient involvement and research participation – by working together to improve healthcare through research.

It is our aim to make research involvement as accessible as possible and have a wide range of patients and public/lay representatives to steer our research and support researchers to identify and conduct high-quality clinical research.

Learn more about participating in research:


‘Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research’ 

This free online course provides an understanding of clinical research, its contribution and impact on treatments and healthcare, and how a research team works. It could be a useful tool for PPI & PPE representatives.

You or your colleagues can register for this free online course.

Ongoing Trials at the Glasgow Clinical Research Facility


If you struggle to control your blood pressure and are interested in a non-medication option, you may qualify for a new clinical research study at the Glasgow Clinical Research Facility, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

The study is evaluating an investigational device designed to lower blood pressure through a minimally invasive procedure and potentially reduce the need for blood pressure medications.

To learn more, please call 0141 232 7600 and ask to speak to the Hypertension Research Team.

Watch to find out more about the CALM-2 trial:

Professor Bryan Williams, MD


Lynn Parker, MobiusHD® Patient


Gregg Stone, MD


Take part in research

There is more information about Glasgow Clinical Research facility and taking part in research trials in the patient leaflets:

The leaflets also have maps and instructions on how to find the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Glasgow Royal Infirmary Clinical Research Facilities.

There are several key areas of involvement for our patient and public partners:

  • Helping researchers improve public-facing literature, such as information sheets, adverts and reports to meet the needs of the public
  • Having an active partnership with researchers working on specific research in areas of interest to panel members
  • Assisting the research team in engaging with the wider public regarding participation and involvement in clinical research
  • Identify and facilitate opportunities to disseminate research initiatives, opportunities and findings to patients and the public.

Opportunities for public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research can be found at

If you’re interested in getting involved in working with our research community in Glasgow get in touch: