Patients, Carers, and the Public
Research is an essential part of an effective, modern NHS. Good quality research is essential to help find new treatments and ways to improve health and care services, and can only take place with the help of patients, carers and members of the public.
When we talk about the public we mean carers, patients, family and friends of patients, potential future patients and people who use health and social care services.
There are many ways to get involved:
- Find out about research – learn more about research, why it is important and the experiences of people taking part in health and social care research
- Take part in research - find out about health and social care research happening in Scotland, and across the UK, and see if you are eligible to take part
- Sign up to take part in future research – learn more about the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE) and how you can sign up to be contacted about future research opportunities
- Help with research – use your experience as a patient, carer or member of the public to help researchers design and conduct their research studies, for example by joining a Patient and Public Involvement Group
- Tell your research story - help others across Scotland to better understand the importance of research, help us improve research, and encourage others to get involved
Find Out About Research
Learn more about the experiences of people who take part
Take Part in Research Across the UK
See if you are eligible to take part
Sign Up to Take Part in Future Research
Join the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE) database
Help with Research
Use your experience to help researchers design their studies