New Chief Scientist Health

9th October 2017
Following an externally advertised secondment opportunity, Professor David Crossman will take up the post of Chief Scientist, Health, with effect from 1 November 2017. Professor Crossman is currently Dean and Head of School of Medicine, University of St Andrew’s.
Professor Crossman replaces Professor Andrew Morris who stood down from the Chief Scientist role in July. Professor Morris will continue to provide specific expert advice to the Scottish Government on the digital health and social care agenda and on the use of big data in relation to health and social care.
David Crossman graduated at St Bartholomew’s hospital London in 1979 with a first class BSc in Physiology and in 1982 MBBS. After junior hospital jobs in London and Birmingham, in 1985 he went to the Hammersmith Hospital and trained in clinical pharmacology with Colin Dollery and then in Cardiology with Celia Oakley and Atillio Maseri.
Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine has been his interest since this time. His research training started as an MRC training fellowship at Clinical Sciences Centre at Northwick Park, where he developed his interest in vascular biology and innate immunity. He became Professor of Clinical Cardiology at the University of Sheffield in 1994 and worked as a honorary consultant cardiologist practicing interventional cardiology. He developed at that time a research programme around the inflammatory basis of ischemic heart disease, in particular the role of IL-1 in atherosclerotic disease. He was Director of an NIHR Biomedical Research unit in Sheffield. He became Dean of Norwich Medical School in 2011 and moved to be Dean of Medicine at the University of St Andrews in June of 2014. He is an honorary consultant cardiologist in NHS Fife practicing outpatients cardiology.
He has developed the Scottish graduate entry (ScotGEM) medicine programme run between the Universities of St Andrews and Dundee. He is Chair of the MRC/NIHR Efficacy Mechanism and Evaluation Board and a member of the BHF Chairs and Programme Grants committee.