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NHS 76th celebrates Scotland’s researchers while extending invite to more participants

NHS 76th celebrates Scotland’s researchers while extending invite to more participants

4th July 2024

NHS Research Scotland (NRS) is celebrating the 76th birthday of our health service on Friday 5 July by encouraging more people of all backgrounds to get involved in vital research

Since its inception in 1948, NHS has consistently pushed the boundaries of the possible through the evolution of treatments, diagnostics, and prevention methods that have helped to achieve better patient outcomes. Research remains a driving force behind that evolution.

High-quality research is an essential part of an effective, modern NHS. This Friday is therefore an opportunity to celebrate Scotland’s diverse clinical research landscape, raise clinical trial awareness, and champion our researchers’ unwavering commitment to driving better care.

On this anniversary, we have the chance to express just how proud we are of our forward-thinking research community here in Scotland.  It is vital that we continue to drive the research and innovation agenda by harnessing our country’s vast knowledge and experience in order to deliver the most progressive healthcare possible.

However, research cannot be achieved in isolation. At its heart, it is also a partnership with successful studies only being possible thanks to the vital contribution of members of the public working closely with researchers and healthcare professionals.

Every member of this diverse group has a key role to play, from patients, carers, and family to potential future patients, and those who use health and social care services.

Getting involved in research – whether that is helping to shape the direction of a research project or directly taking part – that contribution is ultimately helping us to save lives.

We know demand for healthcare continues to rise and the system is under pressure, but by working together, driving meaningful conversations, and encouraging diversity of views and experiences we can improve the quality and relevance of the research we conduct, and ultimately deliver better care for people across Scotland.

This was the driving force of the recent Patient and Public Involvement event hosted by NHS Research Scotland and Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government, with over 50 speakers, including public contributors and early career researchers showcasing projects, and uniting in ambitions to improve the quality of PPI in research.

Supporting improvements in quality and relevance of studies thanks to insights from lived experience, alternative views, as well as different aspirations and thoughts about health outcomes, helps to ensure studies can be designed and delivered in more effective, inclusive, collaborative, and cost-effective ways, while ensuring research opportunities are more accessible and opportunities to participate maximised.

As we take time to celebrate and reflect on all that has been achieved over the last 76 years, we’d like to say thank you once again to all staff supporting vital research across Scotland, and to volunteers for the positive impact you make to the NHS. We're very grateful to each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication.

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