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Research Design Service

Researchers looking for advice and support in developing clinical research projects in Scotland can access help in through the Research, Development and Innovation offices in each NHS Scotland Health Board.

Support provided at each site will vary, but offices are able to provide local support, and can direct researchers to appropriate help and support if this is not available locally.

Researchers can contact their Health Board's local Research, Development and Innovation office for advice.

Alternatively, contact the regional hub that your Health Board is part of.

Pre-Award Support

  • Advice on grant writing and funding applications
  • Protocol writing, clinical trial development and study design
  • Patient and Public Involvement / Engagement (PPI/E) in study development
  • Advice on developing inclusive research
  • Statistical support

Post-Award Support

Approvals and Finance

  • IRAS application advice
  • ACoRD/SoECAT support
  • Risk assessment of regulated studies and complex non-regulated studies
  • Specialist safety committees (for example, Phase 1 Study Review Committee, Advanced Therapies Gene Modification Safety Committee)

Study Set Up and delivery

  • Project management support
  • Site identification and selection
  • Performance monitoring
  • Sponsor pharmacy
  • Pharmacovigilance and drug safety (CTIMP)
  • Investigational supplies and QP release
  • CTIMP study monitoring
  • Data management