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Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network

The Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network is funded by the Chief Scientist Office to promote a culture of clinical research in Neuroprogressive Diseases, such as Dementia, Parkinson Disease, Huntington Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Motor Neurone Disease,  across Scotland and improve recruitment to high-quality studies from both urban and rural areas.

All Scottish research ongoing within the network is registered on the UK Clinical Trials Gateway website. If you would like to find out more about our portfolio or are interested in recruiting to any of our studies please email

We support a wide range of research studies conducted within the NHS, at Scottish Universities and in Care Home settings. These include observational studies, genetic studies, drug trials, questionnaire studies and brain tissue banking.

We work closely with Clinicians, Specialist Nurses and Post Diagnostic Support Workers to recruit to our studies, and  our 'Permission to Contact' research database which gives everyone in Scotland the Opportunity to get involved in research.

The Network has grown from four centres in Grampian, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lothian and Tayside to now cover the whole of mainland Scotland.


Contact our staff in your local area


Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network Research Strategy 2022 — 2027

The strategy sets out our intention to involve, engage with, and support people with lived experience of neuroprogressive conditions, and explore how we achieve involvement of our partners in research in all facets of our network.

Our research strategy is overseen by our Advisory Board which includes external academic advisers, a carer, and a representative from Alzheimer Scotland.